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习近平同法国总统马克龙举行会谈Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron

发布日期:2024-05-08  点击:


The Chinese president expressed his delight in making the third state visit to France upon invitation on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of China-France relations.

The two sides should stay committed to the spirit that guided the establishment of their diplomatic ties, namely, independence, mutual understanding, long-term vision and mutual benefit, and enrich it with new features of the new era, Xi said.

As the world goes through transformation and turbulence not seen in a century, China and France should uphold independence and jointly prevent a "new Cold War" or bloc confrontation.

They should continue to understand each other and jointly promote harmonious coexistence in a colorful world.

They should take a long view and work together for an equal and orderly multipolar world.

They should pursue win-win cooperation and jointly oppose decoupling, cutting off supply chains or erecting walls and barriers, Xi added.