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小暑吃小瓜:关于小暑的6个小常识6 things you may not know about Minor Heat

发布日期:2024-07-06  点击:

The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Heat, the 11th solar term of the year, begins on July 6 this year and ends on July 21.


Minor Heat signifies the hottest period is coming but the extreme hot point has yet to arrive.


The following are 6 things you need to know about Minor Heat.


 A season of storms, thunder and hail雷雨冰雹多发季

Storms, thunder and hail often happen during Minor Heat, though in some years there might be droughts. One of the prevailing farming activities during Minor Heat is staying on top of flood control and drought relief.


A season for the lotus flower莲花盛开的季节

In Minor Heat, high temperatures are good for the growth of the lotus flower. From Minor Heat to the Double Ninth Festival, the elegant lotus flower is in full bloom.


Firefly season萤火虫飞舞的时节

Minor Heat is the season when fireflies become lively. Zhu Shuzhen, a woman of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), once described in her famous poem Summer Fireflies a happy scene of children playing with fireflies in the woods at night.


Eating small melons小暑吃小瓜

Minor Heat comes when all kinds of melons are being harvested. One custom in Nanjing, Jiangsu province has to do with enjoying small melons on the day of Minor Heat and having big melons on the day of Major Heat. Small and big melons normally refer to cantaloupes and watermelons.


Eating dumplings小暑吃饺子

Dumplings are the traditional and household food among Chinese. When the "dog day" comes, people tend to lose their appetites, and dumplings can refresh people's feelings toward food.


Sunning clothes晾晒衣服

During the Minor Heat period, with the longest amount of sunlight and the strongest sunlight radiation, many families hang their clothes out in the sun to prevent mildew.
