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发布日期:2024-10-29  点击:



你可能觉得早晨按掉闹钟能让你起床前多休息一会儿,但其实这样做弊大于利。 It might feel as though pressing the snooze button in the morning gives you a little bit of extra rest to start your day, but the truth is that it does more harm than good.

这是因为睡醒后,人体内分泌系统开始分泌清醒激素,唤醒身体。睡回笼觉会减慢这一过程。另外,9分钟的时间根本不够进入让人精神焕发的深度睡眠。 That's because when you wake up, your endocrine system begins to release alertness hormones to get you ready for the day. By going back to sleep, you're slowing down this process. Plus, nine minutes doesn't give your body time to get the restorative, deep sleep it needs.


睡个好觉的另一个关键因素是别受外在事物影响。 Another key to getting better sleep is not letting outside influencers impair your sleep.

比如智能手机、平板、和笔记本电脑的显示屏会发出蓝光,研究显示蓝光损害视力,抑制褪黑激素的生成。褪黑激素有助于调节睡眠周期。 The LED screens of our smartphones, tablets, and laptops, for example, give off what is called blue light, which studies have shown can damage vision and suppress production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle.

研究人员还表示,体内褪黑激素水平低的人更容易抑郁。 Research also suggests that people with lower melatonin levels are more prone to be depressed.


健康生活方式专家、注册营养师丽莎-德法西奥告诉商业内幕网说,早餐是一天中最重要的一顿。 As Lisa DeFazio, a healthy-lifestyle expert and registered dietitian, tells Business Insider, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

早晨醒来,你已经1012个小时没有进食,这就是早餐名字的来源,意思是打破禁食By the time you wake up, you likely haven't eaten for 10 or 12 hours, which is where breakfast got its name — it means 'breaking the fast,' DeFazio said.

早餐开启了你一天的新陈代谢,补充了血糖水平,使你可以在一天中聚精会神,保持较高的工作效率。德法西奥说,当血糖水平很低时,人们很难集中注意力,更可能感到疲惫、易怒、没耐心。 Your first meal of the day is what kick-starts your metabolism and replenishes blood-sugar levels so you can focus and be productive throughout the day. When blood sugar levels are low, DeFazio says, it's much harder to focus and you're more likely to feel tired, irritable, and impatient.


一天开始时,人们总先挑简单的事情去完成,让自己进入状态,并把难做的工作往后推。这不是个好主意,经常会导致更重要的工作做不完。 People often start off their day by completing easy tasks to get themselves rolling, and leave their more difficult work for later. This is a bad idea, and one that frequently leads to the important work not getting done at all.

研究人员发现,人们在一天中的意志力有限,而且逐渐耗尽。所以最好一天开始时就去做最困难、最重要的工作。 As researchers have found, people have a limited amount of willpower that decreases throughout the day, so it's best to get your hardest, most important tasks done at the beginning of the day.


为了让身体充满能量,你吃的午餐要营养平衡。 Maintaining energy levels requires eating a balanced lunch.

高脂肪、高糖午餐让人犯困,到下午3点你就精神萎靡了。德法西奥说,所以在选择午餐时,要多吃蛋白质和健康油脂,控制碳水化合物摄入量。 High-fat, high-sugar lunches make us sleepy and have low energy by 3 pm, DeFazio says, so it's important to go heavy on the protein and healthy fats and easy on the carbs when choosing what you eat for lunch.

幸运的是,很多快餐连锁店提供健康午餐,让你不会在桌边打盹。 Luckily, plenty of fast-food chains offer healthy meal options that won't make you pass out at your desk.
